On Sale: 29 Aug 2018
Journey to the West meets Fallout in a blisteringly political dystopian quest from acclaimed artist/writer Elgo!
Journey to the West meets Fallout in a blisteringly political dystopian quest from artist/writer Elgo!
A band of animalistic mutants slog through the harsh deserts in search of the Factory. Starving waste-dwellers scavenge junk beneath the unblinking eyes of robotic guards. The grotesque Lord Gucco gorges himself on luxury... And the dying prophecy of a tank-grown psychic looms large – “Beware the manpig!”
Created and stunningly illustrated by Yacine ‘Elgo’ Elghorri – character designer on Futurama, and collaborator with Moebius and Alejandro Jodorowsky!
The artistry and ideas behind Factory cannot be denied, and the best part is, it won’t let you deny it. At least not without a fight. 9 out of 10.
— Newsarama
Factory is unbelievably weird, yet creates an intriguing world rife with struggle.
— Adventures in Poor Taste
This book is bleak, it's weird, and it's disturbing. If you're looking for different, I'd get this. 8.8/10.
— Fanboy Nation