Under: Scourge of the Sewer TP Vol.1

On Sale: 25 Apr 2018

[The cover image for Under: Scourge of the Sewer TP]
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Classic B-movie horror! Some people bury their secrets underground, but in the megalopolis, the filth flows into the sewers! One team, stranded in the watery labyrinth, discover the monstrous truth behind the urban legends...

On Sale:
25 Apr 2018
Stefano Raffaele
Christian Favrelle
Graphic Novel
Diamond Order Code:
Science Fiction

Classic B-movie horror! Some people bury their secrets underground, but in the megalopolis, the filth flows into the sewers! One team, stranded in the watery labyrinth, discover the monstrous truth behind the urban legends...

Movie adaptation announced July 2018!

Lt. Wilson Jericho, disgraced above ground and busted down to an officer in the Sewer Police, thinks he knows everything there is to know about what lies beneath. But scientist Sandra Yeatman is determined to discover the truth behind the urban legends – and prove that something monstrous will soon crawl out and rip the city apart!


Great entertainment! If the French New Wave made a TROMA movie, this would be it!

TROMA Director Lloyd Kaufman

It really has everything it needs to be a great comic book. A cool, disgraced cop story, a corrupt mayor, a scientist asking the right questions, giant undiscovered creatures, and a ton of action!

Comics: The Gathering

Fun, creepy, and well worth a read. If you loved James Cameron’s Aliens then you have to read Under!

Big Comic Page

An unusual story and a grisly setting - but it's compelling stuff.

Chuck's Comic of the Day

A great blend of landscapes and characters that avoid the usual cliches/


Utilizes aspects of the classic creature feature, but melds them together with a more overtly gory and explicitly scary sensibility.

Capeless Crusader

A gruesome B-movie comic.

Multiversity Comics

Deftly crafted, inherently compelling!

Midwest Book Review

Reminiscent of film thrillers like Them! and Aliens, this narrative of looming dread features realistic art, visceral and gruesome imagery, adult content, and salty language—it’s not for the faint of heart. The intelligent script elevates this work above garden-variety “bug hunt” yarns. Fans of man-versus-monster tales will want to give it a look.

Publisher's Weekly

I want more of this kind of storytelling.

Reading With a Flight Ring

Fun, cheesy pulp told in an entertaining way!

Ginger Nuts of Horror

B Movie horror at it's absolute finest!

The Pullbox

© Classic B-movie horror in the sewers of Megalopolis!

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