To the Death #3

On Sale: 14 Aug 2019

[The cover image for To the Death]
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Earth, 2674: thrown into the middle of an entrenched lunar standoff between the Tri-Corp and desperate Helium miners with asteroid-smashing gun, Dryagin and Scourge Squadron take matters into their own hands – which effectively means pissing off the three most powerful ‘people’ on Earth. Caught between a rock and some seriously big Mechs, Dryagin finds that he real enemy… is within… and the heat’s well and truly ON!

On Sale:
14 Aug 2019
Geoff Senior
To the Death
Science Fiction

Earth, 2674: thrown into the middle of an entrenched lunar standoff between the Tri-Corp and desperate Helium miners with asteroid-smashing gun, Dryagin and Scourge Squadron take matters into their own hands – which effectively means pissing off the three most powerful ‘people’ on Earth. Caught between a rock and some seriously big Mechs, Dryagin finds that he real enemy… is within… and the heat’s well and truly ON!

© To The Death is copyright 2019 Simon Furman & Geoff Senior. All rights reserved.

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