To the Death #8

On Sale: 8 Jan 2020

[The cover image for To the Death]
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Earth, 2674: It begins… the all-out assault on the Hub Tri-Corp Cloudscraper. His wife and son may have been found – alive – but the number of lives now at stake is in the billions, the fate of planet Earth in the balance, and Dryagin has no choice but to forge on, into the very belly of the beast. From the air and deep underground, Dryagin and Scourge Squadron converge – with their enemies, who are legion, lying in wait.

On Sale:
8 Jan 2020
Geoff Senior
To the Death
Science Fiction

Earth, 2674: It begins… the all-out assault on the Hub Tri-Corp Cloudscraper. His wife and son may have been found – alive – but the number of lives now at stake is in the billions, the fate of planet Earth in the balance, and Dryagin has no choice but to forge on, into the very belly of the beast. From the air and deep underground, Dryagin and Scourge Squadron converge – with their enemies, who are legion, lying in wait.

© To The Death is copyright 2019 Simon Furman & Geoff Senior. All rights reserved.

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