On Sale: 27 Dec 2023
This series begins as a seemingly unconnected series of MAGICAL TALES ABOUT POWERFUL WIZARDS, gradually merging into a LEGENDARY SAGA.
Who is CHRONOMANCER GEORGE OF DREAMS and what is he trying to tell the reader? Visions of the past, premonitions of the future – or something far more sinister that THREATENS THE VERY FABRIC OF THE RUNIVERSE ITSELF?!
Exclusive to the print edition, readers can unlock an in-game code found inside issue #1 of the comic. Worth $20, each unique game code is redeemable for the video game Forgotten Runiverse MMORPG.
This series begins as a seemingly unconnected series of MAGICAL TALES ABOUT POWERFUL WIZARDS, gradually merging into a LEGENDARY SAGA.
Who is CHRONOMANCER GEORGE OF DREAMS and what is he trying to tell the reader? Visions of the past, premonitions of the future – or something far more sinister that THREATENS THE VERY FABRIC OF THE RUNIVERSE ITSELF?!
Exclusive to the print edition, readers can unlock an in-game code found inside issue #1 of the comic. Worth $20, each unique game code is redeemable for the video game Forgotten Runiverse MMORPG.