Mycroft #2

On Sale: 14 Sep 2016

[The cover image for Mycroft]
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Mycroft Holmes: rake, adventurer, intellectual; deductive mind without peer! Thrust into the greatest quest of his young life, Mycroft is forced to battle a monstrous abombination in the bowels of Buckingham Palace, as a courtly conspiracy threatens the world with steampunk weapons of mass destruction! With only his wits to aid him, Mycroft is soon set on a globe-trotting mission to reclaim the plans for the weapons – before they fall into more nefarious hands!

On Sale:
14 Sep 2016
Joshua Cassara

Mycroft Holmes: rake, adventurer, intellectual; deductive mind without peer! Thrust into the greatest quest of his young life, Mycroft is forced to battle a monstrous abombination in the bowels of Buckingham Palace, as a courtly conspiracy threatens the world with steampunk weapons of mass destruction! With only his wits to aid him, Mycroft is soon set on a globe-trotting mission to reclaim the plans for the weapons – before they fall into more nefarious hands!

© Mycroft Holmes and the Apocalypse Handbook and all related characters are copyright. 2016 Kareem Abdul-Jabbar

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