Go beyond the DOCTOR WHO CHRISTMAS EPISODE with all-new adventures with THE GHOST and THE DOCTOR!
An all-new digital-first adventure for the Twelfth Doctor! Featuring the character of the Ghost, as debuting in the 2016 Christmas Special episode, The Return of Doctor Mysterio. Join us for an unforgettable adventure across the universe. To say any more would spoil the present you’ll unwrap on Christmas Day…
Written by George Mann
Art by Ivan Rodriguez
Colored by Diijo Lima Thiago Ribeiro
ISSUE 1: https://www.comixology.com/Doctor-Who-Ghost-Stories-1/digital-comic/468851?ref=Y29taWMvdmlldy9kZXNrdG9wL3NsaWRlckxpc3Qvc2VyaWVz
ISSUE 2: https://www.comixology.com/Doctor-Who-Ghost-Stories-2/digital-comic/468856?ref=Y29taWMvdmlldy9kZXNrdG9wL3NsaWRlckxpc3Qvc2VyaWVz