January Frights and Spooks!

This month we’re celebrating all things horror, eerie and strange – as we prepare for the release of the new Lenore comic series, Lenore: The Time War (#1 on sale January 29 – pre-order here), ghost-filled manga Shadows of Kyoto (on sale January 14 – pre-order here), horror comedy manga Welcome to Ghost Mansion (on sale January 28 – pre-order here), and Star Wars Insider: The Dark Side Collection (on sale January 21 – pre-order here)!


We’ll be taking this opportunity to shine a light into the darker corners of the Titan Comics and Titan Manga backlist and you’ll be able to find some of them in our limited-time-only digital sale here.


And we’ll be looking forward to releases later this year – including Norm Konyu’s latest release Downlands, and the unmissable new manga series Yan and Outsiders – all three launch this May!


Have a spooky January and keep a look out on Titan Comics and Titan Manga socials for extras through the month!!